Good morning Uncle Charlie!
Peeking around the tree Charlie R. was leaning against
Aunt Quinn and Uncle Charlie in Dana Point
Daddy and Brynnlee going to see the balloons
the view from the park at Dana Point where we enjoyed a picnic
I will upload some more pictures in a few minutes that are coming from Quinn's camera - but here are couple from our day in Dana Point yesterday with Charlie R. and Meghan. Their new place is wonderful - walking distance to so many things and everything inside brand new! They were kind enough to give us a tour of the hot spots in Dana Point and helped us pick a good place to get sandwiches for lunch. We had a picnic at a park overlooking the beach that had some shade and room for Brynnlee to walk around and explore. She came back time after time for more bites of our sandwiches and crackers. : ) Balloons at a birthday party caught her eye and Eric helped her get a closer look. She was also intrigued by the bark on a tree and then with the man leaning against it - Charlie R.! I love the way she pears around things curiously with her head cocked to one side - too cute.
After our picnic we took a little walk to get a better view of the beach and then drove over to the Oceanography Institute. Brynnlee enjoyed taking a look at the fish and other sea creatures that were right at her level. What a neat experience! Always something new!
Eric and I headed back home after the Institute visit with Brynnlee who was completely spent. Charlie and Quinn stayed in Dana Point and enjoyed, what sounds like, a really nice dinner with live music and beautiful view.
Today we are taking it easy and probably spending some time at the pool and around the neighborhood. Brynnlee is happy to be with her toys today - and even happier when Charlie and Quinn woke up and she realized it was time for another day of FUN!
Hope everyone enjoys their Labor Day weekend. We will be sad to see Charlie and Quinn go tomorrow ---- but know it is just two more weeks until Nana and Grandpa get here! Hooray!
Love to all,
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