Friday, August 8, 2008

Brynnlee making sure Maddox is behaving... boys are so funny!
Watching the birds
On the statue with Maya and Maddox
NOT SURE about the carousel
really NOT SURE.... maybe b/c it looked like she was riding ABE!

Here are some quick pictures from a recent trip to the Wild Animal Park with our neighbor Linda and her cute kids, Maya and Maddox. We have an annual pass and I like to take Brynnlee just to get out of the house. As I told some of you... she much prefers watching kids to the animals.... and there are lots of both at the Animal Park! : )

Busy here - but finally slept better last night after a week of ZERO sleep, so good day here! Maybe a trip to the pool is in our future....

xoxo, Jennie

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