Tuesday, August 5, 2008

Happy Days

Just checking in to say hello and let you know that things here stay the same as always... busy, happy, tired.... all three of us! (well, I imagine if I include Abe I might have to adjust to busy, yes, happy, not so much and by now...maybe tired... you see, he shredded a cardboard box while I was shopping today... argh)

Brynnlee and I spent the morning cleaning up a little.... a very little.... and then after her quick nap and my quick shower we met up with Aunt Kerri for a little lunch and shop-about. We ate at Ruby's Diner where Brynnlee watched the train drive around the ceiling and laughed with Aunt Kerri and Mommy about how many weird people there are in the world. Bulletin.... there are a LOT. But I digress.... Brynnlee enjoyed a bit of lunch we might consider calling 1,2,3 on a big plate, but there was no plate. Instead she mooshed beans, corn, tomatoes and chicken into the table (that I first sanitized, OF COURSE) and then drove Aunt Kerri crazy (most likely, though A.K. acted like it was sweet) by banging her sippy cup on the table. It was all in all a successful lunch, especially b/c Brynnlee sat in a booster seat for the first time, which she took to quite well. I just didn't want her out in the aisle where all the random people could touch her.... b/c they can and they do. ACK!

Anyway, we proceeded in the direction of home after wandering around the outlets with Kerri.... and then I started thinking.... since B was in a reasonable mood and I was already going to drive by it.... I had better make my bi-weekly commissary run. Now, I was sans list so it was a challenge, but luckily my neurotic grocery list-keeping paid off. I had already re-written it once over the weekend when the list on the fridge had gotten unruly, so most of it was in my head. Even the weird stuff.... vitamin C with rose hips..... I think a suggestion from Papa for Daddy/Eric.... either way, I must pat myself on the back.

Brynnlee was a dear angel the whole shopping trip... hanging on the front of me in the Ergo baby carrier like she was my little baby koala. She slept a wee bit and then spent a good portion of the trip babbling about very important things. I asked her if she would like prunes and she shook her head NO,NO,NO and then I explained what has to happen if she doesn't want prunes.... but again, I digress.

I love the head shaking b/c she laughs while she does it and I really believe she does it b/c it makes her head feel funny... kind of dizzy.... too funny and I don't care how many Marines or other shoppers looked at me funny! We do carry on quite the wonderful conversation while shopping! : )

When we returned home there was some resting, snacking and then some sun-tan-lotioning b/c we were going to the pool. It was hot today.

Brynnlee is destined to be a swimmer, I am convinced. That or a fairy princess. She tells me she hasn't decided. Either way, she is wonderful at the pool and cranks a bit when we get out. But then I remind her we have our VERY OWN BATH at home and she smiles. : ) Today I went backwards across the near empty pool about a dozen times... this is when she kicks a very little bit and basically holds her mouth open to 'taste' the water. Gross, but cute and it makes her laugh, so I am not complaining. When we were the only people remaining at the pool at around 5pm (we were waiting for Daddy to drive by so we would know he was home!) Brynnlee started showing off for the lifeguard. She showed the guard how she can climb up the stairs and how she can stand on the steps and also how she can surprise herself by accidentally putting her face in the water. (silly girl) Lord knows if the guard looked away Brynnlee would laugh and shout to her a little to get her attention again. WHO, I ask you, would want to miss any of her good tricks???? Brynnlee wonders, too.

Well, I am writing now b/c her sweaty little head has drifted off to sleep and Daddy/Eric is studying for his flight tomorrow. I am going to go read a bit while it is quiet and then Eric and I might watch some tv before bed.

Happy thoughts to all of you. Including a picture of our sleeping angel that I just took so you can enjoy. We do love her SO. Miss and love you all.

xoxo, Jennie

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