We went to a birthday party for Maya (4 yrs old), our next door neighbor, this afternoon. I am currently dubbing it the best birthday party ever, or in the world of an 11 month old - the best day of her life!!!! : ) I am being silly, but honestly think she had more fun in the two hours she was there than maybe ever in her whole life! : ) What sealed the deal? Lots of kids and a bounce house. She has seen them before and appeared intrigued by kids going in, a lot of screaming, and kids coming out in breathless flusters, but never has she experienced THE BOUNCE HOUSE herself! It was quite a sight! During the party she really enjoyed the company of the lady of the day, Miss Maya aka BIRTHDAY GIRL, her little brother Maddox and all the other wonderful people under three feet tall! She snacked on macaroni salad and a bit of a hot dog bun, sipped water from her pink sippy cup and watched the excitement like it was the Moscow Circus happening before her very eyes! She played a video game drum set, checked out all the pictures in the pool house to point out the one dog she could find (barking and smiling while she pointed!) and even got a chance to hit the pinata. It was a great afternoon. We thank Linda and Raymond (Maya's mommy and daddy and some of the best neighbors EVER!) and Maya for sharing her special day with our family. Here are a some pictures for your viewing pleasure.
Hope everyone had a great weekend!
xoxo, Jennie

I know that tune!

woof, woof! Can you see the little dog in the picture?


Linda and Brynnlee

Linda assisting Brynnlee with the pinata

Brynnlee and Ben in the bounce house
(Ben is 1.5 y.o. and was the only kid in there with her - don't worry!)

bouncing QUEEN!

dresses are a drag!

so fun!

"Um, is anyone going to get me out of here?"
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