Friday, August 22, 2008

Slow week!

Sorry I have not posted in a while.... we are here, but things have not been too lively. Brynnlee has been a bit out of sorts this week so we have been taking it easy. On Monday we did attend a picnic with the wives from HMLA/T-303 and Brynnlee enjoyed the other toddlers in her midst. After Monday we have been mostly homebound - initially planned b/c we are trying so hard to conserve gas. The plans to stay around the neighborhood were reinforced by Brynnlee's out-of-sortedness --- I can make up my own words, it is MY Blog! : ) Not sure if it is teeth, tummy, runny nose or a combo of all three, but things have been slower this week. She still is into everything, i.e. pulling the answering machine down on top of her yesterday, but not her usual cheerful self. She has been really clingy and not as into other children. Yesterday I asked Linda, next door, to bring her pre-schoolers over for a little sprinkler time to see if Brynnlee would perk-up. It was straight out of a commercial for depression meds.... the sprinkler started pouring into Brynnlee's face and she just stood there with this look on her face like "now WHY would ANYONE do this for fun???" We made a little nest on the floor in the living room this morning and camped out for a few hours and now she seems to feel a bit brighter. The last picture I am including is her eating lunch right now - corn, spinach and turkey. YUM! : ) She is happy and banging on the tray while she eats. All good signs. Maybe she is learning at much better age than I did that you can't ALWAYS be the happy one! : )
Love you all and sorry for the hiatus... busy weekend ahead, so should have some pictures to put up soon!
xoxo, Jennie
not to mention NO ONE has been sleeping this week..... well, Daddy and Abe....

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