Friday, August 15, 2008

An Average Day....

A lot of people ask me what an average day
consists of with Brynnlee. Anyone with a wee bit
knows, but for the record.... it is tons of fun and very tiring! We love every minute of every day, minus diaper changes (the old theory of it's me not you, doesn't apply here.... it's her, not me!), getting out of the bath (she is so sad it's over!), and having her face wiped off after a meal (which it always so desperately in places it shouldn't be, i.e. hair, nose, eyes, ears...). Here are a couple of pictures from a recent fun day. We had Brynnlee's friend Olivia over to play in the living room and Olivia brought her mommy Brit for me to chat with. The girls had a ton of fun
checking out toys and getting some insight from
the mommies on sharing. They even played a
little peek-a-boo through the windows of 283 1/2. : )

After the play date Brynnlee had a nap and we headed down to the pool in the early evening when the sun was not so bright. We waited to see Daddy drive by and then headed home for dinner!

Hope everyone is doing great. Things here get more and more exciting with each passing day as Brynnlee becomes better able to communicate her wants and needs (sometimes she is VERY needy!) and gets around faster and faster!

Love you all,


Please excuse the odd spacing of pictures and text here.... I was trying to move the pictures around and was not nearly as successful as one (namely ME) would hope! : ) xoxo

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