Thursday, September 30, 2010


It has been pouring! We are so excited to have the rain for a bit since we have not been around much in the way of storms the past 6 years in California. The girls are enjoying the playtime inside with special activities and outside with new adventures in puddles and mud!
Yesterday was the most rain yet...until today, I guess...but I have pictures from yesterday. :) Here you can see them geared up and heading out to enjoy a gentle shower and inspect some puddles. They were on the hunt for worms. Once the first worm was discovered I was SHOCKED at the way things played out. Teagan yelled "mine, mine, mine" and picked the squirmy, slimy, new thing up! She quickly decided it was not that appealing but my clean little one loved the mud - so funny! Brynnlee was more than happy to have Teagan claim the worm as she had no interest in actually touching it.
Brynnlee showed off her moves to Teagan as she splashed and splashed in a muddy puddle near the mailbox. Teagan caught the brunt of the splashing - but loved every second of it. Another shocker for me. She usually doesn't like mess. (disclaimer: unless she is rubbing food in her own hair, something I still don't comprehend!)
It was a great time and was followed by leaving the girls' wet clothes at the door, taking a warm bath and then enjoying some warm peppermint tea. (with honey...per Brynnlee)
I hope you are all surviving the storms if you are in the surrounding states and that the rain helps our newly seeded lawn sprout!
xoxo, Jennie

heading out through the garage

RAIN! (or something that sounded
like rain)


even better :)

thank goodness Teagan is on the cusp
of moving up a shoe size...bc these
shoes bit the dust yesterday....


finally found a worm

it's slimy! that is so funny!

once warm and clean inside we put on a
show ; )

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