Saturday, August 1, 2009

Just because....

I am posting most of these just b/c I like them
hope you do too -
I just thought this one of Teagan was cute :)
Eric calls her our little lizard :)

it is hard to catch a smile sometimes b/c they
can't be posed, so I was holding the camera
with one hand to the side and trying to make
her laugh with funny faces :)

Brynnlee swinging with Mia at the Martin's house
on a playdate :)

on the train to San Diego

ditto for Teagan :)

Miss Tassy's girls after school one day
Madelin, Brynnlee and Sophia (or Phia as B calls her!)

b/c when your body doesn't fit in a box...
it's always better to try again with a blanket
and a friend :)

working diligently at coloring in
an old church bulletin

Brynnlee bringing some friends over for Teagan

Teagan and her new friends :)

The girls together

all THREE girls :) after church one day

same day, don't they look too serious?
we must have just told them naps come after church :)

tea party with Daddy, Brynnlee, Teagan and Abe
----isn't it sad how old Daddy's shirts look? hehe

same party, different angle

b/c it is more fun when we ALL yell! :)

A few pictures of Teagan from early July



HAPPY BABY as Brynnlee calls her when she smiles : )

watching Brynnlee play - b/c that is oh so entertaining!

serious face... or shocked.... or pooping... ; )

Let's play a game...

Above are the girls - Brynnlee and Teagan, but not necessarily in that order - at the exact same age. These pictures were both taken at eight weeks old on the day of their shots. Can you tell who is who? :) Come on, it's not that hard. : )
Trying to catch up on posting pics... I finally downloaded a bunch!
xoxo, Jennie