Friday, June 5, 2009

A cooking play-date!

On Thursday Brynnlee had a friend over for a great play date!
Little Orrin and his mommy Crystal came over so we could
do a little "pre-school cooking" and playing together. It was
great fun and the kids did really well together. Teagan was
a good sport and allowed for lots of activity to go on around
her. She was peaceful most of the day with a few feedings
here and there. Orrin was a little shy at first -
but as soon as he warmed up to Brynnlee it
turned out to be a great day! Crystal brought a recipe for
apple pizzas and the kids baked them - as you can see in the
pictures below. I will add the recipe so you can try it! :)
After enjoying the food their hard work resulted in, we
played outside for a long time before it was nap time for
Orrin and Brynnlee. After hours of fun Brynnlee really
crashed hard and slept well for several hours. It was a great
day for the kids and especially for the mommy-friends to
catch up after not seeing each other for a long time.
Hope you enjoy the pictures from yesterday. I have more of
Teagan headed your way.... : )
xoxo, Jennie

B and Orrin putting cheese on their "pizzas"
er, eating cheese....

sprinkling the cinnamon and sugar

Chef Crystal in action with the kids

this is called the "learning tower" so
the kids can safely reach the counter
to "cook" - one of our best investments

"let me help you Orrin" : )

gardening outside after cooking

Orrin said he wanted to "catch her".....

so HE DID! : ) sweet boy!

1 comment:

kc said...

two of my favorite little people on earth!