Thursday, June 4, 2009

The Graduate!

First, let me preface this by saying "I know.... she's not even 2. This is silly - but man was it CUTE!" : )
Yesterday Brynnlee "graduated" from Baby and Me class. She wore a cap and lei and got a DIPLOMA (which she licked, kissed and hugged, proof below). It was a very exciting day and she had FUN which is really all that matters! After the ceremony we enjoyed a yummy potluck lunch, dancing and a free-for-all of screaming, running around and lots of moms looking exhausted. :) It was great. :)
Here are some pictures of our graduate!
I promise that I will get better now that we are adjusting and I will update more often. Love to all. xoxo, Jennie

The Graduate

with her friend - comparing the caps they made together

not so keen on the hat

hugging her diploma

with Mommy and Teagan after the ceremony

taking her gift to Ms. Tassy (her teacher)
she was so excited to give Ms. Tassy her gift!

loading up at the end of the day

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