Tuesday, June 23, 2009

All Teagan! :)

hanging out with Daddy - now that she is
looking around a lot she likes to sit like this

that is the "almost smile" I have mentioned -
here she was watching Brynnlee explain the
baby toys she was sharing with Teagan

after church on Sunday

in the car after church on Sunday

"almost smile" again :)


what's going on behind Papa?

always posing in her sleep

wild hair on bath night

catching flies while she catches some zzz's

So, I find as I do these newer blogs I have so many pictures of Brynnlee doing the activity being described and very few of little sister Teagan. Here are some pics of Teagan as she has been growing in the last few weeks. Though she is not riding horses or jumping in the bounce house - she is bringing us HUGE joy with her sweet countenance and "almost smiles" as she watches Brynnlee bound around! : ) She is gentle and quiet - only shouting at us when something is wrong or she is hungry. : ) Brynnlee is adapting well to having a sister and Teagan has luckily survived all her sister's "gentle" touches - so far!
Here are some sweet pictures of the wee-est member of the fam!
xo, Jennie

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