She was a bit overwhelmed at first, but warmed up to the idea of searching for some great finds pretty quickly. It was a crisp morning - well, for Southern California - about 68 degrees. We actually got to pretend it feels like Fall and enjoy the experience! Brynnlee found the pumpkin she wanted very early on and toted it around by the stem most of the time we were looking around. She loved the little ones b/c she could pick them up on her own. It is so neat to see the satisfaction on her face when she does something on her own.
Mommy and Daddy took a little longer to pick our's out - one for it's looks - a French variety that is a little exotic and then one for carving. They look great on the porch and we enjoyed them as we decorated out front for Halloween this afternoon.
After a nice lunch we headed home and now I share these pictures with you.
Love to you all. xoxo, Jennie
immediately after arriving "Mom and Dad - WHERE ARE WE?"
Daddy and Brynnlee surveying the patch
Brynnlee with her first pick of the day - she would not put it down
um, what do you mean I can only have ONE?
loading up our picks.... but still spotting more....
the first pick was still her favorite!
Daddy and Brynnlee on the way to make our purchases
coming down the hill
"I just need to see what Daddy is doing, Mom"
The three of us at the pumpkin patch
the end of a great morning
and here are our pumpkins at home! : )
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