Among this group of pictures are items of interest from the past three weeks. I am horrified that somehow during Great Grandma and Great Grandpa Zelent's visit I did not take more pictures - maybe Grandpa can email me a few? My brain is just not functioning correctly!
The first group are at the new aquarium at Legoland called SEA LIFE. Brynnlee thought it was wonderful and it was a good way to let her run around on a week day (it was practically empty!) and gave her a lot of neat things to look at. She calls the fish "FISHES" which blows me away b/c I am not sure where she learned that! It is a great aquarium for little people - lots of stuff on a low level for the vertically challenged!
Following are two photos of Brynnlee and her baby stroller where she is wearing - what I think just might be - the cutest little lavendar jumper ever. I hate to be a dork, but it is just too cute. : )
Then you will find her modeling a new "winter" coat. (I mean, seriously, how cold does it get here?) We bought the coat at my favorite store, Wee Little Sprouts - but not at the actually store - at their GIANT warehouse sale. It was the biggest fiasco this side of the Beltway and after about 20 minutes of fighting other mommies in a tiny warehouse for incredible baby bargains we stood in line for THREE, count'em, THREE hours to pay. It was nuts. Eric was amazing and stayed in line with clothes hanging on his pockets and belt loops, holding an armfull of stuff. : ) Sweet husband and daddy!!!! I chased Brynnlee up and down the alley where the warehouse was located. Hey, everything was SEVENTY FIVE percent off - I'd say it was worth it! : ) The owners had balloons tied on signs to point to the warehouse and Brynnlee would see them bobbing around at one end of the alley..... a race to touch them ensued, including a lot of squealing and ohhing and ahhhing..... until she would get to them, turn around and see the ones at the OTHER end of the alley and head in that direction. Nuts.... but she slept well that night. : )
You then can see the ONE picture I have that turned out from the visit with Eric's grandparents. Grandpa was showing Brynnlee something on the computer one morning and it was just too cute. She really took to them rather quickly and enjoyed showing them her toys, books, etc., EVEN in the throws of a virus we didn't know she had until the last day when a rash popped up. Anyone ever heard of Roseolla? I had not.... but it will be forever until I forget it. For over a week there was all night screaming, fevers and irritability that I attributed to teething. Then a crazy rash popped up. I was sure our child was getting Measles and I was cursing all the morons who do not vaccinate. THANK GOODNESS it was just a little virus that apparently is normal for kids to get (who knows these things? NOT me!!!) and the rash is the last step. Soooo, when I took her to the doctor with the rash they laughed and said, OH, it's over now! hahahaha.... not so funny for the previous 7 days!
Anyway, sorry this is turning out to be so long. The rest are just random pictures from times I just laugh about her silliness. We do so love this little munchkin.
Love to everyone and happy thoughts for NO more Roseolla! : )
xoxo, Jennie

"underwater" at the new aquarium

look at the "FISHES" : )

Mommy and Brynnlee's reflection at the aquarium

watching the rays and "fishes"

making sure baby is comfy

taking baby for a walk

Brynnlee's new "winter" coat

using the computer with Great-Grandpa Zelent

reading the menu with Daddy at Cheesecake Factory

asleep in the shopping cart - can you find her?

a butterfly!