Tuesday, September 14, 2010

Too cool for school : )

Special pancake breakfast

So excited!

Posing with Teagan

Putting Teagan in a choke hold....jeepers....
please note that I said HUG your sister, not
CHOKE her....

At school and looking for her designated hook
with her classroom assistant teacher
Ms. Michelle

Hanging up her tote bag
The school has everyone bring the same tote
bag that they provide so they can send artwork
and notes home to parents and we can send
in thing with the kids.

In the classroom. She told me "I'm FINE

The outside of the school on my way in to pick
her up.

She survived the first day and we went
to get chicken nuggets for lunch. She didn't stop
talking about school until she fell asleep tonight.
(and I hope that kid is finally asleep b/c
she has come down the stairs for a million
convoluted reasons tonight....)
My dad has been telling Brynnlee that certain things are "too cool for school" - for those of you that find this phrase confusing... I interpret it to simply mean something is REALLY cool. Well, Brynnlee has tried the phrase on for size and has come up with "too drool for school" and "too pool for school". I find the latter interesting b/c she calls the pool the "cool"....so I guess it makes sense to use them interchangeably.
Anyway....moving on....B went to school ALONE today! No mommies, no daddies and as she pointed out to me a number of times "NO BABIES!". :)
I will attach a few pictures. I am getting glowing reports from the flag being waved by a fellow classmate while they put their hands on their hearts to the awesome playground they got to play on. When she is really excited about what she is telling us she waves her arms around like we are behind glass and she is trying to get the point across, "THIS IS REALLY IMPORTANT!". Her eyebrows are raised and she appears to be about to yell but in her excitement she actually whispers the important information. Imagine her saying (in a normal voice and tone) "Today for snack we had (and now switch to an excited whisper) GOLDFISH CRACKERS!" We love every second of her relaying her experiences.
Well, enough of my chatter. Here are some pictures.
Hope all are well,

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