So, I thought I was being really smart about how I uploaded these pictures... and then I did them in reverse order of how they really should be! Well.... here is a smattering of pictures from our trip to Hawaii for Thanksgiving. We cannot thank Mom and Dad enough for taking us on such a fabulous trip for a family reunion of sorts. Can you believe that this is the FIRST holiday we have ALL had together? Not even counting the kids... just Mom, Dad, Charlie, Quinn and me and Eric! It is mind boggling... but it finally happened and we were thrilled to all be together. The coming year should be a little better... at least for a few months. In the Fall we should all be in the same state - for a few months before Charlie and Quinn move to Georgia for Charlie to attend an Army school for which he was selected.
Anyway, it was a great trip (thanks Mom and Dad!) and we had lots of yummy meals together and time on the beach. While Hawaii is not the same with two babies... it was still wonderful!!!! We loved every second of the trip.
Hope you enjoy the pictures... and keep in mind they are uploaded backwards... so maybe start at the bottom of the ones in this post. : ) You know I always mess something up.... haha.
xoxo, Jennie

The whole crew - Mom, Dad, Teagan, Jennie,
Brynnlee, Eric, Quinn and Charlie

Teagan chillin' on Waikiki

the "kids" (photo credit to Nana for this shot)

Teagan taking a snooze in her beach tent

Brynnlee on one of her many trips
back and forth from the water to our
spot on the beach

the four Raasch's at the North Shore

had to share - Charlie looked so cute
"wearing" Teagan : )

Nana and Teagan in Duke's

Nana and Grandpa at Duke's

sunset at Duke's

Brynnlee on stage at the luau at the Hale Koa

Grandpa and Teagan watching the luau

"dancin' girls"

Charlie and Quinn

Nana and Grandpa

Brynnlee literally DID NOT come up
for air once we handed her this (virgin)
Pina Colada

man climbing a tree at the luau

a beautiful little Hawaiian girl making
Brynnlee a flower bracelet

the fam waiting to get in the luau

On the beach

the first night everyone was together - hooray!

Brynnlee ready to head to the pool

Nana, Grandpa and the girls on
our first night

beautiful sunset the first night on the island
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