Friday, November 20, 2009

Celebrating Brynnlee's "Daddy Birthday" Nov 17th, 2009

Before Brynnlee was even born I thought we should try and make a celebration out of the day she would meet her daddy. Not just in 2007, but every year. We decided to call it her "Daddy birthday" and the day she was born has been dubbed her "Mommy birthday". She loves pizza and ice cream so we folded and let her have both in the same night. Eric departed work a little early so we could drive out to Fallbrook (town adjacent to the base) to enjoy some pizza before making a quick stop at Cold Stone for some PINK (strawberry) ice cream. It was a fun night for the whole family and we were able to tell Brynnlee more about the big day she met Daddy for the first time. It still makes me choke up. ; )
in the car getting excited for pizza!

Teagan was like a pirana.... but don't worry, we
didn't actually give her any pizza!

Brynnlee eating cheese pizza and yelling CHEESE

seriously...this baby wanted some pizza!

sweet sisters

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