Thursday, September 24, 2009

Trip to IL and WI

so photogenic... hehehe

our family at the lighthouse in Baileys Harbor

Teagan sleeping on Daddy

riding dinosaurs with Daddy
(what, you didn't know they had dinosaurs in WI??)

at the park with Papa

in the grass at the park near Lake Michigan
check out that RED hair! : )

my favorite... the goats on the roof

Papa, Grandma and Teagan

playing in the sand after a pitstop on the
drive to Baileys Harbor WI - this was a
pretty stop near Lake Michigan

playing in the pool with Aunt 'Lissa and Tayler

Teagan laughing with her cousins

Papa and Brynnlee... and one of WAY too many sweets
she thoroughly enjoyed that week.....

Brynnlee had her hair done by her cousins and
was enjoying a puzzle party with some babies
and Tayler

drinking out of a HUGE water bottle
These are just a few of a bunch of pictures we have from our visit to IL and WI in August. It was a whirlwind tour to see family and enjoy the midwest in the Summer. We were pooped when we got home!

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