Saturday, February 21, 2009

Nana comes to CA

painting at school with Ms. Tassy during Nana's visit

look Nana!

coloring with Nana

snuggling before bed

watching WOW WOW WUBZY with Nana before bedtime

Nana came out to CA while Daddy was in Yuma at the beginning of February. It was a fun week of playing, playing and more playing. Brynnlee recognized Nana at the airport and they were inseperable the rest of the week. I even got my hair cut while Nana stayed home with Brynnlee! : ) Here are a few pictures - I was pretty negligent at snapping them that week and apologize to my mom for that! It seems like Brynnlee is always sans shirt - b/c she often is. It is just easier to keep her clean that way. : ) It might seem a bit odd that we took her shirt off at school, but b/c of cold and flu season she was the only one in class that day! So, it only made sense and cut down on laundry. Just doing my part to help the environment.... : )
xoxo, Jennie

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