on the boat for the Legoland tour
sitting with Grandpa after lunch
watching the Lego pirates sing with Daddy
checking out Duplo village
ah, toddler size Legos - finally! : )
Brynnlee in JAIL!
Biker babe!
sliding alone
sliding with Grandpa
look at THESE! : )
Today Eric took the day off work and all four of the adults currently inhabiting our little base home accompanied Brynnlee to Legoland in early celebration of her first birthday. We departed early and arrived to a nearly empty parking lot --- a site for sore eyes since so many things in Southern CA are always so busy and packed full of people. The whole time we enjoyed the park it was not very full - which made it easy to maneuver around and get Brynnlee close enough to the things she wanted to see. The first order of business was taking a boat ride around a little lagoon that had animals made of legos along the banks and lots of neat attraction from around the world completely built from legos. Brynnlee sat between Mommy and Nana and quietly watched the first half of the scenery go by without much reaction. Boy did that change as we came upon a waterfall..... her little arms stuck straight out and she started quaking.... she was trying so hard to express her excitement that gibberish came flowing freely from her excited little lips.... it was awesome and made the whole day worthwhile if just for that moment! : ) We took a stroll around "Minitown" where some of the major cities in the USA have been recreated with Legos - Las Vegas, DC, New Orleans, San Francisco, etc. Brynnlee especially enjoyed the moving parts like the little ferris wheels, cars driving around and fountains in front of the Vegas hotels. We enjoyed a nice lunch and went on to visit "Duplo village" - a whole little mini world for kids with houses, slides, cars, a jail, a hospital, etc all kid-sized and full of those bigger duplo legos for kids under 3.... you know, the kind they cannot swallow, no matter how hard they try! : ) We even found a motorcycle for Brynnlee to ride that made reving sounds so we could take pictures to share with Papa in Wisconsin.... Brynnlee's Harley Grandpa! : )
All in all it was a great day and not too long ago Eric put a very pooped out (almost) one year old to bed. YES, we are making a grand transition to Daddy bedtimes as Brynnlee has started drinking whole milk from a cup and stopped nursing before bedtime. It is very exciting and seems to be going well!
Our love to all of you. Hope you have a wonderful week.
xoxo, Jennie
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