Saturday, January 24, 2009

New table

Having a tea party with baby at her new table!

that is HOT (pretending, there is really nothing in the cup)

stirring is serious business

working on a Valentine craft - shirtless makes less mess!

so serious and focused
Brynnlee got a new table and two chairs on Wednesday when neighbor Linda and I took a trip to Ikea with all three of the rug-rats (between the two of us). The kids were good and we even grabbed lunch down in San Diego. Here are some pictures of activities Brynnlee has enjoyed using her table to do since we put it together Thursday morning.
xoxo, Jennie

Blago - or as Brynnlee says "cookoo"

Brynnlee has thoroughly enjoyed watching Mommy and Daddy laugh hysterically over Blago's attempts to throw off the Press.... and go running in zero degree weather. Here are her short performances of how Blago runs. :) Maybe we are biased....but I think she has a pretty good sense of humor. I also likes how she says "cookoo" when she does it though it is hard to hear b/c I am laughing so hard. : )

xoxo, Jennie

Saturday, January 10, 2009


Well, we should have known this was coming, but it is still frightening and surprising and exciting all at the same time. When we started hearing "ball", "dog", and occasionally "hank ou" (thank you) we should have known we were headed here.... but gosh sentences seem to have come on so fast! First thing I know we are joking around and saying "poor Papa" when Karl had to stand in line at Subway too long (back in Nov.) and Brynnlee copied with something that sounded more like "pooowwww Papa!" - now there is no mistaking the occasional play by play we get. Here is a list of our current favorite phrases - including a new one from just now as I was getting her ready for bed! :)

I CLIMB (yes you do, now get off the kitchen chair!)
I DON'T KNOW (the typical answer to "what are you doing?" when she might be in trouble!)
I LIKE (fill in the blank - lots of time ends with -THIS, applying to whatever we are doing)
I LIKE CHICKEN (this was too funny not to tell you verbatum if that is a real word - verbatum?)
I WANT MORE (tuesday night this ended in CHICKEN haha) :)
I LIKE THAT BOOK (tonight - so we read it twice!)
GOOD BOY (abe)
GET (abe)
DADDY (happy)
MOMMY (usually sad and in dire need of something! sounds more like MOOOMMMMMYYY)
THIS IS (fill in with NOSE, EYE, EAR - then touching my face while she says it - then laughing hysterically)
TINA TURNER (ok, I should explain, we were listening to the radio and I said "this is Tina Turner" and she smiled and said "TINA TURNER" but that is funny, huh?)

Anyway, you get the point. Our lives are getting infinitely more exciting.... and a little scarier at the same time! I told Quinn the other day that I used to get so sad before Brynnlee was born that each day she got older I would long for her to be a baby forever and be so sad.... and though I long for her to weigh just 7 lbs at times (HAHA) I am ever-so thrilled for her to be growing, learning and experiencing new things. Mommy-dom (as I refer to my life to Aunt Kerri) is the best thing I've ever done. Thank God for our sweet Brynnlee!!!

Love to you all,

Brynnlee dancing at Legoland 01/09/09

Friday, January 9, 2009

a few Christmas pictures - absolutely NO order - sorry!!! :)

Giving Nana some tea

enjoying some tea herself!

I cannot get this picture to show up the right way! New boots!

A fabulous monkey

new dress from Papa and Grandma Shirley

stocking goodies - "you mean there is MORE?!"

"I got a WAGON!" :)

Nana feeding Brynnlee - or something like that :)

Christmas Eve at the Jolly Roger with Nana, Grandpa, Great-Grandpa Fimian and Great-Grandma Pat

Christmas Eve church

Brynnlee was all ready before everyone else for church!

Being silly at Macaroni Grill a few days before Christmas

Thursday, January 8, 2009

Happy 2009!

On New Year's Eve Daddy made reservations at for an early dinner and took us girls out to a nice evening in Carlsbad. We drove out to dinner and enjoyed some yummy prime rib while Brynnlee ate off of a "baby plate" the restaurant made up for her - which included bites of our prime rib and potatoes she thoroughly enjoyed. We finished the meal off with tasty desserts - who would've known a baby would like creme brule'? :) We took a lap around the restaurant to wish everyone a Happy New Year with waving and smiling - and Brynnlee occasionally "busted a move" with some impromtu dancing. On the way home we sang to a new CD she got for Christmas. (Backyardigans is the name of the "group" - it is from a cartoon she likes and LOVES their singing!) It was a tame evening at home and everyone was asleep by 9:30pm. : ) Crazy times! I am trying to play catch-up with some other pictures I need to add as I have been MIA the last two months. Sorry for that to those of you that have been asking! It has been a little crazy with lots of guests, a growing belly and a Dec foot injury that slowed down my daily activities at home. Hooray for Jan 16th - no more big boot on my foot! :) Love to you all and know we are thinking of you. xoxo, Jennie

Brynnlee and Daddy

Mommy and Brynnlee

show us your belly!

laughing so much about her belly

crazy party animal after dinner - so THIS is what you are supposed to do with a tea set? : )

Monday, January 5, 2009

playing catch-up with pictures and BLOG!

After the church Christmas Dinner

with a big bruise and talking to Nana

YUM a roll!

making salad with Aunt Jill on Thanksgiving

wearing a hat - b/c hats are GOOD